Remember and Honour those you love

Lindsay James Hewat



Submitted by:
Mrs Elaine.Jones
339 Bells Rd
Smythes Creek 3351 Vic.

Trevor Gunthorpe
03 5332 2574

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LINDSAY JAMES HEWAT 5/10/1912 to 12/10/2001

(The organist is heard playing some memorable, nostalgic music as people
are assembling.)
Let us pray:
O God, the Lord of life, the conqueror over death, and our help in every difficult time of trouble, who dost not willingly grieve nor afflict the children of men: comfort us who mourn, and give us grace, in the presence of death, to worship you the ever living, and to put our whole trust in your goodness and mercy: through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Would you describe Lindsay James HEWAT, for whom we are here today, owing to his recent death, as "a fastidious, self taught, inventive man, who was devoted to his family, and was often very talkative when he got you cornered."?
His family certainly appreciate your presence and the loving, supportive ways shown to them since his death; thank you. By way of the electronic media, we wish to include those members of the family who are unable to be here today; you are with us, therefore, in spirit.
For those of you whom I did not met at Rose's funeral in November, 1999, my name is TREVOR GUNTHORPE and I am a Nationally Accredited Funeral Celebrant and Loss & Grief Counsellor. The staff of Peter Tobin Funerals and I will endeavour to apply the next few moments as a Celebration for Lindsay's interesting life, sensitively using some significant events and music to assist in that endeavour, giving him the due regard that he deserves.
Let us, then, begin to tell his life story, onto which you are invited to add your own reminiscences when we return here for some refreshments, at the conclusion of the committal at the graveside.
Lindsay James was the second of six sons born to a strict, multi-skilled Blacksmith and Master Decorator of Carriages. This occurred on 5th October, 1912 at Balranald, N.S.W; the other sons being Lawrie, then Lindsay, Harold(John), Joff(rey), Jack, and Bernie.

The world was about to engage in WWI, not realising where the aftermath would head it, so these were harsh times; families often existing on rabbits!! The boys had their chores one of which being paired
up - to cut wood with a cross-cut saw; this done on alternate days as it was very difficult and needed energy build-up for the next time! And we reckon we are hard done by!!!

Local schooling for Lindsay was up until about age 14 years, which was near the time he ventured (on his own) to Melbourne for ANY work!!

This period was around the beginning of the Great Depression, so catching rabbits (for cash) and being a milkman enabled Lindsay to live that is what it was all about!! It was called SURVIVAL!!

At the beginning of the 1930s as fate would have it he was invited to the Grover home by Carrie's husband who found out that Lindsay was interested in cricket! However, there was someone else to whom he became attracted; that being a young lady named Rose, a member of that large family. There are many stories about love stories concerning milkmen; but this one was really genuine and lasted 63 years;they marrying after an extended courtship, on 18th April, 1936.
During the next few years World War II was experienced and the growing Hewat family moved from Thomastown to Regent, Richmond, then to Hoddles Creek, from where Lindsay rode his motorbike (possibly an Indian, red in colour) to Melbourne and would be away for the five working days before returning on weekends. In 1946 they moved back to Thomastown where the family home was built by Lindsay and the time that the Grover Brothers Saw Mill operated for the next 26 years until it closed in 1972.
This was also the period in Lindsay,s life that he had an interest in and a helpful contribution to the local community Progress Association, as well as him maintaining his motor vehicles. Memories of the highly-polished Pontiac, Galaxy, and Fairlane (cars) came to mind as well as dogs named Chips, Taffy and Midge (the one which died of snakebite defending its owner.)

Around 1972 Lindsay and Rose retired` to Echuca, where they were foundation members of the Gem Club, from which they both received a Life Membership. From this Club also developed many Gemborees`, which took them around Australia, sometimes for many months, they collecting rare stone which was then painstakingly turned into perfect and precious stones. One of these can be seen on Elaine's finger.
Re-locating to Smythes Creek to a granny flat in the grounds of Murray and Elaine,s property about 1993, Lindsay and Rose pursued their own interests with constant companionship of Mini, often seen asleep on
Lindsay's shoulder as he slept!!

Due to Rose's sickness in 1998 and her subsequent new address at Geoffrey Cutter Unit Nursing Home, Lindsay was a regular visitor; but it became more difficult for him to do so after he went into care at Eureka House in March 1999.

This loving devotion for Rose, however, continued until her peaceful death in November of that year (3/11/1999), leaving Lindsay to be able to concentrate on his many projects. It needs to be pointed out that
his room became a workshop, with his bed as an incidental piece of furniture; it being described as "a meticulous mess.
Achievements prior to this re-location included a gem tumbler, a polisher for the stones; in fact, if you needed a particular screw, nut, or bolt; then Lindsay would most likely have it. BUT, whenever, you approached him you needed to allow an extra period of time to hear what he had to say on many subjects!!
This characteristic is well-recognised by the family especially when you were likely to be "trapped by him at the kitchen table!! Seriously though, it must be recognised that Lindsay had an interest in the world,
anything, with his explanation sounding as though he was the 'expert` on whatever was being discussed!!
Another memory which came to mind was his extreme patience!
At one stage Shaylee needed (according to Pa) a cover of sheet glass over her fish tank. So Lindsay explained what he was going to do in her presence, cut it with a procedural script, described what he had done and what else he might have been able to do, completed the job, and placed it on the floor, only to be unknowingly stepped on!!!!!!
Without batting an eyelid, Lindsay proceeded to cut another! Now that is tolerance!
And so it was over the past couple of years, Lindsay saw Eureka Village as his 'home` and where the staff and others appreciated his contented, smiling face, which often produced some whistled tunes. So it is to the dedicated staff that the family,s personal thanks is expressed for their kind, loving devotion, and support for Lindsay and themselves; thank you!!
It would seem that Lindsay always had something to do, as he was not one to sit around waiting to be entertained`; and isn,t that from which we can all learn!!
Healthwise, Lindsay was considered to be in "excellent condition, but we all need to be aware that we cannot (although we may wish) to keep going for ever.
For Lindsay it was with the aid of a motorised scooter, (also personally maintained), as well his interest in people which kept him focussed away from his own ailing bodily functions.
What a better environment in which to be happy in himself` and where he felt secure to peacefully die (in his sleep) early Friday morning (12/10/2001); ironically in G.E.M. Ward!!
Shaylee reads:-
In John's Gospel Chapter 14, verses 1-6, are the following words of comfort:
"Do not let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.
I am going there to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me
that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. "

Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don,t know where you are going,
so how can we know the way?

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. (NIV Translation.)

So with those reassuring words in our minds, we may wish to reflect on
Lindsay,s life and death as we listen once more to our organist,
Bernadette, with some meditative music; at the end of which I will
read P S A L M 2 3
The Lord is my shepherd;
Lindsay's immediate family included all his siblings and their families; ROSE, his devoted wife for well over 60 years; JIM, ELAINE, and GARY, and their respective families, which totals 14 Grand and 18 Great Grand children, and all those who appreciated him for who he was; especially MAX, from Eureka Village. Linked to us all, however, are those who grieve with them recognising that we never mourn alone as we consider the thousands affected by recent world events; we mourn with them, too.
We are encouraged to continue to talk about Lindsay,s death and how our emotions have been related to those occasions. In so doing it will be helpful to all concerned, so why not try it and enjoy the experience!
Shortly we will be taking Lindsay to his final resting place. As we do so we will listen to "Amazing Grace. (Played on the organ.)
Would you please take your instructions from the Director.
(At the graveside.)
I wish to read a poem which I believe captures much of Lindsay's philosophy
of life.
Miss Me But Let me Go
When I come to the end of the road,
And the sun has set me for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little but not too long.
And with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared.
Miss me, but let me go.

For this is a journey that we all must take,
And each must go alone.
It,s all part of the Master,s plan,
A step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick of heart,
Go to the friends we know,
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss me, but let me go.

So now we come to the final farewell.
(The coffin is slowly lowered into the grave.)
It is with reverence and love, then, that we commit the body of Lindsay HEWAT to the elements from which it came, grateful for the extended life that has been lived, and for what the hard working, contented, sometimes garrulous approach to life has meant to us.
His creative and orderly mind kept him active to the end`, still working out problems` to do something in a better way! We are glad that he lived, that we felt the solid grip of his hand, and that we appreciated his
interest in his family; all of which added to his unique character.
Above all this, we welcomed the fact of having known him and loved him.
Friends, please don,t leave him here, take him with you in your precious
and lasting memories, of which you have many.

Perhaps you may wish to join with me in T H E L O R D 'S P R A Y E R.

So we leave Lindsay in peace and bid him a fond and loving farewell.
"Goodbye, Dad; goodbye, Pa; goodbye, Lindsay,
you will be greatly missed, especially by Mini;
but always remembered.
Now at peace;.. with Rose once more!

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