The Support Group

Bill D'Arcy supporters consist of :-

1. Those who believe that because of the extensive pre-trial publicity, Bill D'Arcy had no chance of a fair trial.


2. Those who believe that because of a plethora of uncorroborated evidence, contradictory allegations, and conflicting accounts, he should never have been found guilty.


3. Those who believe that because of evidence given at the trials, evidence suppressed by the police, and evidence which has been clarified or uncovered since, he was not guilty of any charges.


4, Those who believe that because of the consistent refusal of all government and legal authorities to accept Bill D'Arcy's request for an independent enquiry into his case, especially in the light of evidence which has emerged since the trials, he is suffering a further injustice.

Dr O'Connor's letter to Dr Travis Gee -Accusations again Bill D'Arcy "beggar belief"
- a must read!

My approach to this matter is based on my forty years experience as a gynaecologist and my prior experience as a country general practioner, the experience of being father and grandfather to a nucelar family that now numbers twenty-one which includes five grand-daughters. My background knowedge tells me that this story relayed in Ms xxxxx's statement beggars belief.

Dr Daniel T O'Connor MB.BS (Qld), FRCOG, FRANZCOG

Dr O'Connor-re Bill D'Arcy
(Accuser's name deleted)

From Dr Daniel T . O'Connor to Dr Travis Gee

Dear Dr Gee

Thank you for asking my opinion concerning your letter of the 14th August 2006 and containing the statements of xxxxxx. First let me say that I have wrestled with the information contained in the statements and unless this child was considerably experienced in sexual matters, I find her descriptions of events that happened both fanciful and incredible.

Firstly, in regard to events happening in a small classroom wherein there were other members of her class and who could not but have witnessed the events described. In a small community I could not believe, based on my own experience of living in a small community, that such events would not have been the subject of comment amongst all the families involved with children at the school and that there would not have been some sort of outcry.

Secondly, in those issues where she describes the act of sexual assault, it is not plausible that any immature eight or nine year old could have accepted an erect penis into her vagina without severe pain and distress and complaint.

Thirdly, to suggest that a penis wrapped in a dry handkerchief was inserted into her vagina is even more implausible, as this would have been a most traumatic experience, even if she was self lubricated, since the handkerchief would quickly rough up and become irregular in outline during penetration.

Fourthly, I cannot possibly offer an explanation as to why these complaints have been made and wonder whether the complainant has projected her later sexual experiences onto Mr D'Arcy or fantasised these experiences on somebody whom she may have had a childhood crush?

Finally, I can't imagine parents would not be aware of unuusal events happening to her underwear without comment.

My approach to this matter is based on my forty years experience as a gynaecologist and my prior experience as a country General Practitioner, the experience of being father and grandfather to a nuclear family that now numbers twenty and which includes five grand-daughters. My background knoweldge tells me that this story relayed in Ms XXXXX's statement beggars belief.

Yours sincerely

Daniel T. O'Connor